
Teacher education and curriculum studies is a research strand that focuses on teacher education in second/foreign language education and curriculum studies in Portugal. It encompasses research into initial language teacher education and continuous professional development and embraces teachers from primary through to tertiary education.  The strand also includes a focus on curricular development policies regarding language education at a national level, in Portugal, and in the Portuguese-speaking world. As a strand it recognises and benefits from intersections with the other core strands of TEALS: i.e. CLIL, Intercultural studies in second language education, and Translationality.


  • To strengthen research activity in second/foreign language education and curriculum studies in Portugal and encourage and support doctoral research in this area.
  • To disseminate research and best practices in second/foreign language education in Portugal.
  • To connect researchers in higher education and school contexts through research into second/foreign language education in Portugal.
  • To establish contacts with other scientific bodies involved in research into second/foreign language education, nationally and internationally.
  • To promote intersections with the other core strands within TEALS.
  • To host international second/foreign language education researchers for research stays.
  • To actively procure partnerships and funding for research into second/foreign language education.


Current research projects

Name: “Transforming assessment mindsets: Professional development through a blended MOOC” (TAM-bMOOC)
Principal Investigator: Sandie Mourão (CETAPS/FCSH)
Co-Principal Investigator: António Teixeira (Universidade Aberta)
CETAPS researchers: Carolyn Leslie, Catarina Castro, Isabel Orega, Rosana Durão & Teresa Sequeira.
Dates: January 2023 – December 2025
Funding body: Funded through CETAPS FCT funding nº UIDP/04097/2020
Link: [Coming soon]


Past research projects

Name: “Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in early English Language Learning” (ICEPELL) [intersectional with Intercultural studies in second language education]
Coordinator: Sandie Mourão (CETAPS/FCSH)
CETAPS researchers: Ana Gonçalves Matos
Dates: 1 September 2019 – 31 August 2022
Funding body: Funded through Erasmus+ project nº 2019-1-PT01-KA203-061353
Link: Project website

: “Mapping Approaches Project: TEYL in the practicum: mapping supervisory and teaching approaches” (MAp)
Coordinators: Flávia Vieira (Universidade do Minho) & Sandie Mourão (CETAPS/FCSH)
CETAPS researchers: Carolyn Leslie
Dates: February 2018 – December 2020
Funding body: Supported by Higher Education Institutions associated with the PEEP Network
Link: Project information & publications

Name: “
Assessment in primary English education in Portugal: Teachers’ Perceptions and practices”
Coordinator: Sandie Mourão (CETAPS/FCSH)
CETAPS researchers: Carolyn Leslie
Dates: October 2017 – December 2020
Funding body: Supported by CETAPS/FCSH and CIEd, Universidade do Minho
Link: Project information & publications

“Pan European Task-based Activities for Language Learning” (PETALL)
CETAPS researchers: Isabel Orega & António Lopes
Dates: 2012 – 2015
Funding body: Funded through Erasmus project nº 530863-LLP-1-2012-1-NL-KA2-KA2MP
Link: Project website

Outreach activities

The researchers in this Strand are actively involved in teacher education and development, so much of their outreach activity is associated with in-service professional development provision.

Professional development provision:

Title: “Narrativas multimodais nas aulas de inglês e espanhol como Línguas Estrangeiras”
Description: An innovative online course given in English and Spanish for secondary teachers who belong to the English and Spanish recruitment groups (25-hour accreditation – CCPFC/ACC-120295/23).
Teacher educators from CETAPS & CHAM: Beatriz Moriano, Helena Lopes, Neus Lagunas, Sandie Mourão
Date: 3 – 17 July 2023


Title: “ICEPELL Profressional Development Course” (Autumn ICEPro Course)
Description: Part of the ICEPELL Project, this was the revised hybrid workshop which combined face-to-face and virtual training, practical implementation and mentoring. It was accredited by APPIforma but run through CETAPS/FCSH (50-hour accreditation).
Teacher educators from CETAPS: Sandie Mourão & Ana Gonçalves Matos
Date: 8 November 2021 to 31 March 2022


Title: “ICEPELL Profressional Development Course” (Spring ICEPro Course)
Description: Part of the ICEPELL Project, this was a pilot course which combined online training, practical implementation and mentoring. It was accredited by APPIforma but run through CETAPS/FCSH (50-hour accreditation).
Teacher educators from CETAPS: Sandie Mourão & Ana Gonçalves Matos
Date: 3 March to 31 May 2021


Title: “Ensino de Línguas Baseado em Tarefas: princípios fundamentais e modo de implementação”
Description: Online course for English teachers (recruitment groups 120 and 220). Associated with post-doc project. Accredited through Centro Luís Krus – FCSH/UNL (24 hours)
Teacher educators from CETAPS: Catarina Castro
Dates: May & June 2020 (2nd edition); January 2021 (3rd edition)


Title: Reflexão e supervisão pedagogica na sala da aula de Inglês no 1ºCEB”
Description: A course for 1st cycle cooperating teachers (24-hour accreditation – CCPFC-107789720).
Teacher educators from CETAPS: Carolyn Leslie & Sandie Mourão
Date: Academic year 2019 – 2020


Title: “Ensino de Línguas Baseado em Tarefas: princípios fundamentais e modo de implementação”
Description: Face-to-face course for English teachers (recruitment groups 120 and 220). Accredited through Centro Luís Krus – FCSH/UNL (24 hours)
Teacher educators from CETAPS: Catarina Castro
Dates: October 2019 (1st edition)


Title: “Task-based Language Teaching for young learners”
Description: Face to face course for English teachers (recruitment groups 120 and 220), orgnaised through Universidade do Algarve – Escola Superior de Educação, Faro. Associated with Post-doc project. Accredited through Centro Luís Krus – FCSH/UNL (24 hours)
Teacher educators from CETAPS: Catarina Castro
Date: November 2019

Scientific supervision of school textbooks
Carlos Ceia:Seesaw 3º e 4º anos(LeYa, 2015 & 2016)
Carolyn Leslie: Start 3º e 4º anos (Edições Gailivro, LeYa, 2015 & 2016)

Visiting scholars

Doctoral student research visits

Supervisor: Sandie Mourão

  • Janire Guerrero Gómez (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain) – research visit to CETAPS (30 January to 30 April 2023)
  • David Valente (Nord University, Bodø Campus, Norway) – research visit to CETAPS (15 September 2021 – 15 January 2022).
  • Elisa Bertoldi (University of Udine, Italy) – research visit to CETAPS (30 June – 15 July 2022).
  • Karoline Søgaard (Copenhagen University College, Denmark) – research visit to CETAPS (1 – 31 October 2022).


Post-Doctoral Researchers:

Supervisor: Sandie Mourão

  • Dr José Jaime Pérez Segura (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) “The analysis and evaluation of oral skill development and its assessment in primary English coursebooks: A comparative study between Portugal and Spain” – research collaboration and mentorship (March 2024 – September 2024)
  • Dr Mercedes Pérez Agustín (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) “Resources for picturebooks about Native Americans to develop intercultural citizenship in primary and secondary English language education” Research collaboration and mentorship (October 2022 – February 2023)


Supervisor: Carlos Ceia

  • Dr Catarina Castro, “Teacher training for Task Based Language Teaching” Post-doctoral Project with TEALS – Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies (October 2018 – October 2020).
  • Dr Hélder Fanha Martins, “Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games and Incidental Lexical Learning in English for Specific Purposes”, Post-doctoral Project with TEALS – Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies (October 2017-October 2019).
  • Dr Nicolás Montalbán (Universidade de Múrcia, Espanha): “Developing materials for English for Specific and Professional Purposes”, Internship in Lisbon (FCSH), 2-16 Julho de 2017.
  • Alexei José Esteves Xavier: “Management education to study in Brazil, Portugal and England, with a variant of the English language” (CETAPS/FCSH, 2016).

Related Activities

Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning

Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning

Transforming assessment mindsets: Professional development through a blended MOOC

Transforming assessment mindsets: Professional development through a blended MOOC

TAM-bMOOC stands for ‘Transforming Assessment Mindsets: Professional development through a blended MOOC and an e-Community of Practice’, which is a research project coordinated through CETAPS, FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Understanding the World: Multiculturality, Interculturality and Global Citizenship in Picturebooks

Understanding the World: Multiculturality, Interculturality and Global Citizenship in Picturebooks

PEEP’23: Enhancing classroom practices and children’s learning experiences

PEEP’23: Enhancing classroom practices and children’s learning experiences

Hosted by FCSH, Nova University Lisbon Sponsored by CETAPS /FCSH
Colóquio: Margens e Pontes Para a Educação

Colóquio: Margens e Pontes Para a Educação

O colóquio, dirigido pelo docente Carlos Ceia, será transmitido no canal de YouTube da NOVA FCSH.
ICEPELL Hybrid Conference

ICEPELL Hybrid Conference

The ICEPELL Hybrid Conference is the closing event for the ERASMUS+ ICEPELL project. It is a CELEBRATION of picturebooks for intercultural citizenship education in early English language learning with children from 5 to 12 years old.
Formação de Professores e Estatuto da Carreira Docente: Um colóquio para preparar o futuro

Formação de Professores e Estatuto da Carreira Docente: Um colóquio para preparar o futuro

Um colóquio com João Couvadeiro, David Justino, Mário Nogueira, Paulo Guinote, Vitor Teodoro Duarte e Carlos Ceia
Picturebooks and Graphic Narratives in Education and Translation: Mediation and multimodality

Picturebooks and Graphic Narratives in Education and Translation: Mediation and multimodality

This conference aims to attract scholars and practitioners from the worlds of education and translation studies – distinct areas with their own specific concerns, histories and bibliographies.
Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning

Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning

Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning’, which became ‘TEdELL2020 Virtual’, was organized through CETAPS, FCSH, Nova University, Lisbon in collaboration with the AILA Early language Learning Research Network (ELL ReN) and the Primary English Education in Portugal (PEEP) Network.
Picturebooks in European Primary English Language Teaching (PEPELT)

Picturebooks in European Primary English Language Teaching (PEPELT)

A social media project (2018 – 2023) to help teachers critically explore, select and use picturebooks which enable children to address global issues and promote positive change inside and outside the classroom.
Pan European Task-Based Activities for Language Learning

Pan European Task-Based Activities for Language Learning

Coordinator: Dr. António Lopes (Algarve University)
Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in early English Language Learning (ICEPELL)

Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in early English Language Learning (ICEPELL)

ERASMUS + KA203 project October 2019 – August 2022 Coordinated by Sandie Mourão (FCT / CETAPS researcher) Total budget: 300 667,00 € The main aim of this three-year project, which ...
Primary English Education in Portugal

Primary English Education in Portugal

Primary English Education in Portugal (PEEP) is an inter-institutional network which has been set up to promote the engagement in and dissemination of investigation in the field of primary English education in Portugal.
Advanced Research Seminar: Languages in Education

Advanced Research Seminar: Languages in Education

The TEALS Advanced Research Seminars takes place online two times a year, in February and July, with the objective of providing avenues of interaction between established and early career researchers to address areas of research associated with languages in education.


More Research Areas

American Intersections

Anglo-Portuguese Studies

Anglophone Cultures and History

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

Culture, Science and the Media

Intercultural studies in second language education

Mapping Utopianisms

Orientalism and Anglo-Portuguese (Post-)Colonial Relations

Relational Forms: Medial and Textual Transits in Ireland and Britain

Shakespeare and The English Canon: History, Criticism, Translation

Translation, Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies
