About Us

Working CLIL – a research strand of the area Translation, Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies – TEALS, at CETAPS – brings together practitioners, researchers and teacher educators to address core issues in CLIL/Bilingual education across educational levels in Portugal and beyond.


  • Develop a nationwide network of CLIL researchers, practitioners and institutions engaged in CLIL
  • Create partnerships between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and schools within and beyond the Portuguese national context in order to conduct research, develop teaching and teacher education practices
  • Conduct evidence-based research and longitudinal studies across educational levels
  • Engage working groups of researchers and professionals in discussion of key issues in CLIL/bilingual education in Portugal
  • Facilitate dissemination of publications and research projects in Portugal
  • Provide support for CLIL across educational levels (through teacher education programmes; conferences; resources, external coordination of CLIL projects in schools (including teacher observation); development of materials
  • Organise and host a biennial international colloquium
  • Host and support other CLIL researchers through research stays at Working CLIL member institutions
  • Involve JRAAS in CLIL activities

International Networking and Collaboration

Visiting Scholars and Researchers

Working CLIL member institutions welcome visits from scholars and researchers interested in sharing their work and perspectives on any aspect of CLIL/bilingual education.  We endeavour to organize seminars for the wider teaching public so that more teachers can benefit from our visitors’ expertise. Below are those who have visited us on short mobility programmes and longer research stays.


2023 – 2024

Prof. Ramiro Durán Martínez – University of Salamanca, Spain

Bionote: Ramiro Durán Martínez is an associate professor in the English Studies Department at the University of Salamanca. He has collaborated in international teaching placement schemes and participated in postgraduate courses in English Language Teaching and Bilingual Education. He has published several books and papers in these fields, and he is currently engaged in research projects in the area of bilingual education and attention to diversity.

During his visit from 1st June to 31st July, 2024, Prof. Durán Martínez was involved in the following activities:

  • Analysis and discussion with members of CETAPS about the EByAD Project (Bilingual Education and Attention to Diversity), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science. The theoretical review, instruments and methodology applied in the project were analysed. In addition, a comparative analysis of the reality of bilingual education and attention to diversity in Spain and Portugal was carried out.
  • Contact with Portuguese schools to gain insight into the teachers’ perceptions on the attention to diversity in bilingual education via focus groups/interviews. To complete this objective, a script was developed prior to the interviews/focus groups. Afterwards, the categorisation of the responses was discussed with Working CLIL members.
  • Collaboration with the Working CLIL strand at CETAPS in the planning and development of resources aimed at increasing pre-service and in-service teachers’ knowledge of the implications of attention to diversity in bilingual education. As a major outcome of this collaboration, Professor Ellison and Professor Durán have jointly produced a book chapter entitled The CLIL Teacher: Identity, Knowledge and Teaching Strategies.
  • Participation in the elaboration of a bibliographical review on topics such as inclusion, attention to diversity, bilingual teaching, migrants, integration…
  • Familiarization with the SPOC (Small Private Online Course) CLIL in Higher Education   designed by CETAPS Working CLIL members. This course will serve as a reference to the open educational resources created by the EByAD Project.
  • Analysis of the different existing possibilities to make an application for a research project on the possible use of the CLIL approach to support students studying in Portugal who are unfamiliar with the language of the country.


Dr Pilar Gerns Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), a centre for interdisciplinary research at the University of Navarra, Spain

Host institution: FLUP – University of Porto

Bionote: Pilar Gerns is a German and Spanish postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS), a centre for interdisciplinary research at the University of Navarra, Spain. As a research member of the group Public Discourse, she is investigating different topics related to language and discourse analysis. She holds a BA in Philosophy from the University of Navarra, a BA in English Studies from the UNED, a MA with honours in Teaching Social Science and Foreign Languages in Secondary School from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a PhD cum laude from the Univ. of Navarra.

From January 2023 to January 2024, she carried out a postdoctoral research stay under the supervision of Prof. Maria Ellison at the University of Porto and forms part of the CETAPS group. As part of it, she has offered two accredited courses on bilingual education (CLIL) to secondary school teachers and she is conducting a field project with different bilingual schools, co-financed by the European COST agency (CA21114 CLILNetLE), is a European research and innovation network through which different experts examine some of the current challenges related to the issue of disciplinary literacy in bilingual/CLIL education


Dr Gema Alcaraz-Mármol (PhD) University of Castila –La Mancha

Host institution: FLUP – University of Porto

Date: 1 – 5 April 2019

Bionote: Dr Gema Alcaraz-Mármol obtained her PhD in Applied Linguistics at the University of Murcia in 2011. She currently works as an associate professor and researcher at the Department of Modern Languages of the UCLM (University of Castilla-La Mancha). Her lines of research include CLIL, second language acquisition and corpus linguistics, within which she has published over 40 articles in journals, conferences, and book chapters. Furthermore, she has been involved in several research projects with the University of Murcia ad the University of Castilla-La Mancha. She has also been a visiting scholar at the Applied Linguistic Department of Victoria University (New Zealand), Swansea University (Wales) and the Department of English Studies in Sussex University (United Kingdom).

Seminar: Implementing CLIL: Some Methodological Insights and Assessment Tips

Dr Ignacio Fernandez Portero (PhD) University of Extremadura

Host institution: FLUP – University of Porto

Date: 11 February – 15 March

Bionote: Ignacio Fernández Portero is a scholar from Spain. He holds a PhD in English Language Teaching from the University of Extremadura (2017) and two Master’s degrees, one in Teacher Training for Secondary Education (2011) and another in Research in the Humanities (2011) from the University of Extremadura. His areas of expertise are bilingual education, special education needs and curriculum design.


  • Supporting Special Educational Needs in Every EFL Classroom
  • English Language Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms

Dr Ignacio Fernandez Portero visited FLUP in order to develop a comparative research study on English as a Foreign Language Teaching and Special Educational Needs in Spain and Portugal.


Cynthia Yanin Pimentel Velázquez University of Córdoba, Spain

Host institution: FLUP – University of Porto

Date: 2 May – 2 August

Bionote: Cynthia Pimentel has been a lecturer in the Department of English and German Philology at the University of Córdoba (Spain) since 2016. Previously, she was a teacher of English as a foreign language in the Language School of the University of Córdoba (UCOIdiomas) for five years. She has also been a teacher trainer within the “Plurilingualism Promotion Plan” of the University of Córdoba since 2015 and a teacher trainer in courses for state secondary school teachers, among which, we find: “Linguistic and Methodological Update for Teachers in Bilingual State Secondary Schools”.

She received a BA in English Philology from the University of Córdoba in 2010 and a MA in English for Professional Qualification (specialty in Plurilingualism, Intercultural Communication and Curriculum Planning) in 2014 and an MA in Secondary Education (specialty in Foreign Language Teaching: English) in 2017. She is also currently pursuing a Ph.D degree at the University of Córdoba within the program “Languages and Culture”, research line “English Linguistic Studies”; her research focuses on an analysis of the tasks and activities present in secondary education coursebooks used in CLIL programs. She was an international visiting researcher at the University of Porto (Portugal).

Her interests concentrate on bilingual education programmes/ CLIL, the creation and analysis of teaching materials in bilingual schools, English teaching methodology, second language acquisition and English Phonetics and Phonology.

Since 2018, she is part of the research grup HUM-1021: Atención a la diversidad y educación bilingüe (AD-EB) (Attention to diversity and bilingual education).

Seminar: Key Competences in  Materials Design in CLIL:  a Pluriliteracies Approach

Cynthia Pimentel visited FLUP to advance her PhD studies into pluriliteracies and CLIL, and to conduct research for her doctoral study Coursebook Provision for Literacy Learning Opportunities in Science in Bilingual Secondary School Contexts in Andalusia.


Dr Maria Ellison University of Porto

Host institution: Facultat d’Educació, Psicologia i Treball Social. Dept. de didàctiques especifiques, University of Lleida, Catalonia

Date: 13-17 February, 2017

Dr Maria Ellison was an invited lecturer on CLIL under the auspices of Convocatòria del programa d’ajuts per afavorir la internacionalització de la UdL mitjançant l’estada de professorat d’institucions.

See more

Institutions and associations

As a result of international networking, Working CLIL members have established links and collaborated with Institutions of Higher Education and Associations outside Portugal, some of which have research centres specialising in CLIL/bilingual education (see below).

Participation in international projects

SHUTTLE (2024-2027)

Erasmus+ KA220-HED: Sharing Future Learning Environments in Higher Education and Lifelong Learning  
CETAPS project members:  Margarida Morgado
Project website:  Just funded, no website available yet

STEAM Tales (2023-2025)

Promoting STEAM education through storytelling to boost girls’ interest in STEAM topics and potentially STEAM careers in the future. 
CETAPS project members:  Luciano Moreira, Maria Ellison, Fátima Vieira 
Project website:  https://www.steamtales.eu

Towards bi- and multilingual disciplinary literacies (2022-2026)

COST Action: CA21114: CLIL Network for Languages in Education: Towards bi- and multilingual disciplinary literacies 
Working CLIL members: Maria Ellison (member of the Management Committee for Portugal) and Margarida Morgado
Project website:https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21114/

Pluriliteracies for global citizenship: Deeper learning in the foreign language classroom (2022-2026)

Working CLIL members: Pilar Gerns
Project website: http://www.ecml.at/deeperlearning 

VALIANT (2021-2024)

Erasmus+ KA220-HED: Virtual Innovation and Support Networks for Teachers
Working CLIL members: Margarida Morgado
Project websitehttp://valiantproject.eu 

LEARN&CHANGE  (2021-2023)

Erasmus+  2020-1-FI01-KA226-HE-092760: Collaborative Digital Storytelling for Sustainable Change
Working CLIL members: Margarida Morgado
Project websitehttps://blogit.haaga-helia.fi/learn-to-change/  

Towards an Integrated Bilingualism Model (2020-2023)

Working CLIL members: Maria Ellison, Nicolas Robert Hurst, Andrew Sampson
Project websitehttps://ibmodel.org/ 

METCLIL: EuroCoAT (2018-2021)

METCLIL – Metaphor in Academic Talk: L2 metaphor production in Higher Education CLIL discussion Seminars (METCLIL: EuroCoAT second phase) 
Spanish National R+D programme (FFI2017-86320-R) 

TC-NURSE. Transcultural Nursing: A European Priority, a Professional Responsibility (2018-2021)

2018-1-ES01-KA203-050800. Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership 

CLIL4YEC (2018-2022)

CLIL for Young European Citizens 
Project websitehttps://clil4yec.eu/ 

INCOLLAB (2018-2022)

Interdisciplinary Collaborative Approaches to Learning and Teaching
Project websitehttps://incollabeu.wixsite.com/project    

Bilingual Education/CLIL in Portugal

Bilingual Education/CLIL with English as the additional language has been growing steadily in Portugal in recent years, yet the real extent of this activity has yet to fully emerge. A goal of Working CLIL is to identify schools which have implemented bilingual programmes/CLIL across the country and disseminate information about their projects. These may be within the Bilingual Schools Programme (Ministry of Education/British Council) or independent grassroots initiatives in public (state) or private schools. Visit the project website.

Below are links to some schools which have websites for their projects. All schools are welcome to add theirs here. If your school does not have a website, but is implementing bilingual education/CLIL, please let us know. Contact us: workingclil@gmail.com





Our Open Educational Resources include videoed interviews with leading experts, tutorials and lesson plans. Currently, the materials are gathered in the CETAPS repository, which allows users to conduct a generalized search or, if preferred, browse for more detailed fields such as author name, issue dates, titles and subjects. 

If you would like to share some of your educational materials, send an email to workingclil@gmail.com and we will add them in the repository. Please make sure you acknowledge all sources (images, videos, etc.) in accordance with Creative Commons licences.

Outputs and Outreach

Currently, we are listing all publications related to CLIL in the CETAPS repository. These include books, publications made by members and non-members, as well as dissertations and theses. To consult them, simply access the CETAPS repository. Visitors can perform a general search or, if they prefer, browse more detailed fields such as author name, issue dates, titles and subjects. Publications for the period 2018-2024 are also listed below:



  • Ellison, M., Morgado, M. & Coelho, M. (2022) Contexts & Conditions for Successful CLIL in Portugal. University of Porto Press. Published in 2023. (Read online)

Special Edition 

  • eTEALS on Moving CLIL Forward: towards sustainable educational practices 2024

Articles/book chapters from individual members:

  • Antón-Solanas, I., Huércanos-Esparza, I., Hamam-Alcober, N., Vanceulebroeck, V., Dehaes, S., Kalkan, I., Kömürcü, N., Coelho, M., Coelho, T.…  & Tambo-Lizalde, E. (2021). Nursing lecturers’ perception and experience of teaching cultural competence: a European qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(3), 1357. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18031357
  • Antón-Solanas, I., Coelho, M., Huércanos-Esparza, I., Vanceulebroeck, V., Kalkan, I., Cordeiro, R., Kömürkü, N., Soares-Coelho, T…. & Sagarra-Romero, L. (2020). The Teaching and Learning Cultural Competence in a Multicultural Environment (CCMEn) Model. Nursing Reports10(2), 154-163. https://doi.org/10.3390/nursrep10020019
  • Arau Ribeiro, M.C., Coelho, M. (2019). Transference and transformation for internationalisation in higher education. A case study of Portugal. European Journal of Language Policy (EJLP), 11.1 (pp.71-94). Liverpool University Press. ISSN 1757-6822 (print) 1757-6830 (online). https://doi.org/10.3828/ejlp.2019.5
  • Arau Ribeiro, M. C., Morgado, M., Gaspar, M., Régio, M. e Silva, M. (2019) “(Re)Criação de uma formação em CLIL para professores em modalidade mista: aspetos logísticos e didáticos”. Atas da conferência CNaPPes 2018. (Braga, 12 e 13 de julho de 2018). Eds. Manuel João Costa et allii. Braga: Universidade do Minho. Pp. 93-97. ISBN 978-989-20-9477-9
  • Arau Ribeiro, M.C, Morgado, M. Gaspar, M. and Régio, M. (2018) Teacher Training for CLIL in Higher Education Through Blended Learning. In: M. L. Carrió-Pastor (ed.), Teaching Language and Teaching Literature in Virtual Environments, Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-1358-5_11
  • Arau Ribeiro, M. del C.,Morgado, M., Chumbo, I., Gonçalves, A., Silva, M. M. & Coelho, M. (2018). The ReCLes.pt  CLIL Project in practice: teaching with results in Higher Education. In Bravo, A. D., Alves, A. M., Martins, C., Silva, E. M., Chumbo, I. (Eds) Culturas, Identidades e Litero-Línguas Estrangeiras. Atas do I Colóquio Internacional de Línguas Estrangeiras. (pp.65-82). Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. ISBN: 978-972-745-244-6
  • Arau Ribeiro, M. C., Morgado, M., Gaspar, M., Régio, M. e Silva, M. (2019) (Re)Criação de uma formação em CLIL para professores em modalidade mista: aspetos logísticos e didáticos. Atas da conferência CNaPPes 2018. 5º Congresso Nacional de Práticas pedagógicas no Ensino Superior (Braga, 12 e 13 de julho de 2018). Eds. Manuel João Costa et allii. Braga: Universidade do Minho. Pp. 93-97. ISBN 978-989-20-9477-9
  • Coelho, T., Marchão, A., & Porto, S. (2019). Representações das crianças sobre a aprendizagem da LE – Projeto KIITOS@21ST. EXEDRA, Revista Científica. Número temático: EIPE 2019 (pp.84-99). Em http://exedra.esec.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/00-Numero-completo-EIPE2019-web.pdf#page=84
  • Crean, F., Coelho, M. Coelho, T., (2021). Integrating CLIL in transcultural education: A practical guide for HE teachers. Transcultural Nursing: A European Priority, a Professional Responsibility (TC-Nurse), Project number: 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050800. https://tcnurse.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Practical-guide-for-HE-teachers.pdf
  • Díaz Pérez, W., Ellison, M., Harumi, I., Kärkkäinen, K., Langé, G., Lee, J., Mahan, K. R., Marsh, D., Osorio, P., Pavón Vázquez, V., Schmidt, T. (2019) “Implementing Internationalization of Academia: Teaching, Learning and Research through English”. The Guadalajara Colloquium Shape Report. Guadalajara: University of Guadalajara. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/79771 / 
  • Couto-Cantero, P., Ellison, M. (2023). Infan CLIL: A Model for Implementing Plurilingual Projects in Pre-primary Education in Spain and Portugal. In: Otto, A., Cortina-Pérez, B. (eds) Handbook of CLIL in Pre-primary Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04768-8_9
  • Ellison, M. (2021). Understanding the affective for effective EMI in higher education. In F. Rubio-Alcalá & D. Coyle (eds.). Developing and Evaluating Quality Bilingual Practices in Higher Education. Pp. 181 – 200. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
  • Ellison, M. (2019). CLIL in the primary school context.  In Garton, S. and Copland, F. (eds.). The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners.  London: Routledge. (pp. 247 – 268).
  • Feller, N. P. (2021). Translanguaging and scaffolding as pedagogical strategies in a primary bilingual classroom. Classroom Discourse. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19463014.2021.1954960
  • Gaspar, M.C., Régio, M. & Morgado, M. (2018) Intercultural Communicative Skills in the Training of Industrial Engineers: A Case-Study on Students’ Perceptions, INTED2018 Proceedings (pp. 7319-7326). DOI: 10.21125/inted.2018.1722
  • Marchão, A., Porto, S., & Coelho, T. (2019). Kiitos@21st century preschools: um estudo de caso. Em M. Pires, et al., IV Encontro Internacional de Formação na Docência (INCTE): Livro de atas. Proceedings, (pp. 682-691). Bragança: Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. ISBN: 978-972-745-259-0. Em http://hdl.handle.net/10198/15084
  • Morgado, M. (2018). “Minority Cultures in Your School: a CLIL Approach”. CLELEjournal, 6(2). Pp. 28-45. http://clelejournal.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Minority-Cultures-in-Your-School-CLELE-6.2.pdf
  • Morgado, M., Gaspar, M. e Régio, M. (2019). Ensino Integrado de Inglês e de Tópicos de Engenharia Industrial: três anos de trabalho colaborativo de ensino. In: Diversidade no Ensino Superior. Coord. Susana Gonçalves e José Joaquim Costa.  Coimbra: CINEP/IPC. Pp.199-222. Disponível em https://www.cinep.ipc.pt/attachments/article/186/-%20Diversidade%20no%20ensino%20superior%202019%20v23%20ONLINE+.pdf
  • Morgado, M., Gómez, L.V., Gaspar, M. (2019). Aprender (n)uma Língua Estrangeira no Ensino Superior: Perceções de Empregadores e Alunos. Revista Milleniumhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/333501030_Learning_a_through_a_foreign_language_in_higher_education
  • Morgado, M., Gaspar, M.C. & Régio, M. (2018) Interdisciplinarity and Collaboration in Higher Education Engineering Courses: Lean Thinking Applied to Teaching and Learning, Submitted to the 5th international conference Education, Culture and Society, 2018.
  • Pavon Vazquez, V. & Ellison, M. (2021). Implementing EMI in higher education: language use, language research and professional development. In D. Lasagabaster & A. Doiz (eds). Language Use in English-medium Instruction at University: International Perspectives on Teacher Practice. New York: Routledge.
  • Piquer-Piriz, Ana Maria, Morgado, Margarida and Zverinova, Jana (2021). Interdisciplinary collaborative approaches in Higher Education: Open Educational Resources for Subject and Language Lecturers. Verbeia. V(5). 81-126.
  • Régio, M., Gaspar, M. & Morgado, M. (2018). Instructional Design in Electrotechnical Engineering: A Case Study on Integrated Online Approaches. 3rd International Conference on Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Regional Helix 2018. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 505. Springer, Cham. DOI  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91334-6_155
  • Régio, M., Gaspar, M. e Morgado, M. (2019). Modelos de avaliação colaborativos: evolução analógico/digital. In: Susana Gonçalves e Carla Fidalgo (Coord.) Pedagogia no Ensino Superior: Coletânea de Estudos. Coimbra: CINEP/IPC. 239-258.
  • Ribeiro, M., Morgado, M., Silva, M. & Coelho, M.. (2018). Desafios e barreiras na formacão de formadores CLIL no Ensino Superior em blended learning. In Patricia Rosado Pinto (Coord.) CNaPPES 2017 – 4º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior. Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal, 13 e 14 de julho de 2017, 241-246. ISBN 978-989-99598-9-7 http://cnappes.org/cnappes-2017/files/2018/06/Livro_Atas_CNaPPES_2017.pdf


  • English for CLIL teachers (PRR) distance learning teacher development course (28.5 contact hours; 81 total hours) via Zoom, through Academia UP. Course developers/facilitators: Maria Ellison; Andrew Sampson. 6 Nov – 6 Dec, 2023.
  • Towards an understanding of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Perspectives and practices (PRR). Pilar Gerns – post-doctoral researcher. U. Navarra. (27 hours total –  2 editions 2023)
  • Small Online Private Course (SPOC). CLIL in Higher Education. Steered by Margarida Morgado. Course developers (in order of modules produced): Margarida Morgado, Ana Piquer & Rafael Alejo (U. Extremadura), Maria Ellison (FLUP), Margarida Coelho & Teresa Coelho (IP Portalegre), Victor Pávon (U. Cordoba). Launched in 2022 as a Curso Livre at IP Castelo Branco and as a blended course at IP Portalegre. Launched at FLUP in 2023. To open further editions in 2024
  • Design and delivery of a 25-hour staff online training course on “CLIL in Higher Education” (Erasmus+Project 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050800, TC-Nurse: Transcultural Nursing: A EuropeanPriority, a Professional Responsibility ) | organized by Istambul Aydin University, Turkey | 3 – 16 December | Margarida Coelho & Teresa Coelho (with Fiona Crean, San Jorge University)
  • Intensive Program for Nursing students | Erasmus+Project 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050800, TC-Nurse: Transcultural Nursing: A EuropeanPriority, a Professional Responsibility | Istanbul Aydin University | 31 August to 4 September | Online | Teresa Coelho
  • Design and delivery of a 15 hours staff training course on “CLIL in Higher Education (ERASMUS+ Project TC-Nurse) organized by AP University College, Department of Health and Social Sciences | 3-4 December 2019 | Antwerp, Belgium | Margarida Coelho
  • INCOLLAB CLIL Training Event, international seminar: “Digital learning and CLIL Methodologies (Short-term joint staff training events) | Universidade do Algarve and Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco | 4 – 6 November 2019 | Faro | Margarida Morgado
  • 1st Working CLIL International Colloquium 2018 follow-up course (teachers produced digital materials)
  • 2nd Working CLIL International Colloquium follow-up course 2021(teachers produced interactive images and videos)

Events organised

  • 3rd International Working CLIL Colloquium: 2023: towards sustainable educational practices. Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto. July 13 & 14 2023.
  • IBModel – Evaluating and assessing teaching and learning in CLIL/Bilingual Education | 14 – 15 November 2022 | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
  • 2nd International Working CLIL Colloquium 2021: a series of workshops and posters on Integration, Innovation and Inclusion in  Content and Language Integrated Learning (online event).
  • Working CLIL 2020 pre-colloquium webinar with Prof. David Marsh (U. Jyväskylä) and Prof. Ana Llinares (U. Autónoma de Madrid)  26 September 2020. Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, Portugal
  • Seminar: Gema Alcaraz-Marmol – visiting researcher (U. Castillia La Mancha)  Implementing CLIL: Some Methodological Insights and Assessment Tips
    3 April 2019.  6pm-7.30pm | Sala de Reuniões | FLUP~
  • Seminar: Ignacio Portero – visiting researcher (U. Extremadura) English Language Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms13 March 2019 | 6pm – 8pm | Room 203 | FLUP
  • Seminar: Nayalin Feller (Post-doc researcher CETAPS). Bilingual Education, Translanguaging Practices and Teacher Preparation: Approaches from Brazilian, American and Portuguese Contexts
    20th February 2019 | 6pm – 7.30pm | FLUP
  • International Seminar: CLIL for Primary, Secondary and Higher Education at Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco | April 21st, 2018.
  • Workshop: Cynthia Pimentel Vasques – visiting researcher (U. Cordoba) Key Competences in Materials Design in CLIL: a Pluriliteracies Approach 28th June 2018 | FLUP
  • 1st International Working CLIL Colloquium: A series of workshops and posters on Content and Language Integrated Learning. 16th-17th March 2018 | FLUP

Conference presentations/papers given

October 2023

  • Conference presentation | CLIL for Higher Education Lecturers: A Small Private Online Course (SPOC)| IX International Conference on Bilingual Education in Educational Institutions Bilingual Education: the teacher, engine of improvement | Universidad de Alcalá, Guadalajara |20 – 22 October 2023 | Margarida Morgado and Maria Ellison
  • Conference presentation | Exploring professional development opportunities for teachers in CLIL/bilingual education | IX International Conference on Bilingual Education in Educational Institutions Bilingual Education: the teacher, engine of improvement | Universidad de Alcalá, Guadalajara |20 – 22 October 2023 | Margarida Morgado and Maria Ellison
  • Conference presentation  | Cognitive Discourse Functions in CLIL: developing and trialling assessment rubrics |  APPI regional Seminar  Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal | October 2023 | Andrew Sampson

July 2023

  • Conference presentation  | Developing rubrics for assessing Cognitive Discourse Functions in CLIL | 3rd Working CLIL International Colloquium: Towards sustainable educational practices |Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto| July 13 – 14  | Andrew Sampson and Nicolas Hurst
  • Conference presentation | Addressing professional development for CLIL in Portugal | 3rd Working CLIL International Colloquium: Towards sustainable educational practices |Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto| July 13 – 14 | Maria Ellison

June 2023

  • Conference presentation Keynote speech | Assessing academic language proficiency: the IBModel digital tests. | International Academic Forum: Content and Language Integrated Learning. |Bilingual Education Research Center, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (virtual).| June 19 | Maria Ellison

March 2023

  • COST ACTION CA21114: “CLIL Network for Languages in Education: Towards bi- and multilingual disciplinary literacies”
    Management Committee Meeting | Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, University of Vienna| March 3-4 | Maria Ellison

January 2023

  • Charing CLIL session Margarida Morgado chaired the panel CLIL for communication | TEFL8 International Conference Learning to communicate – communicating to learn: English language learning in formal education | CETAPS at FCSH | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | January 13 – 14.
  • Conference presentation | Independent language study compared to communicative pairwork: effects on languaging and learning |TEFL8 International Conference Learning to communicate – communicating to learn: English language learning in formal education | CETAPS at FCSH | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | January 13 – 14. |  Andrew Sampson

November 2022

  • Conference presentation |  Assessing academic language proficiency: outcomes of the IBModel digital testing. | IBModel Erasmus KA2 Multiplier event: Evaluating and assessing teaching and learning in CLIL/bilingual education. | Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto| 14 Nov | Maria Ellison with Dr Victor Pavon from the University of Córdoba
    Conference presentation | Improving reliability in approaches to assessing Cognitive Discourse Functions | IBModel Erasmus KA2 Multiplier event: Evaluating and assessing teaching and learning in CLIL/bilingual education. | Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto| 14 Nov |Andrew Sampson and Nicolas Hurst

October 2022

  • Conference presentation | Textbook Analysis for Literacy Development in CLIL  | VIII Congreso Internacional de Ensenanza Bilingue em Centros Educativos: Bilingual Education: inclusion and excellence | University of Jaen| 22 Oct | Maria Ellison with Dr Cynthia Pimentel Vazquez from the University of Córdoba

July 2022

  • Conference presentation | The state-of-the-art Report (CLIL for Young European Citizens) | Final Conference Multiplier Event of CLIL for Young European Citizens project | Giunti, Florence | July 12 | Margarida Morgado

May 2022

  • Conference presentation Keynote | From separation to integration: thinking like a CLIL teacher  |PEEP 22  |Meeting Universidade do Minho via Zoom |  28th May| Maria Ellison
  • Conference presentation | Assessing academic language proficiency: our digital tests. | Doing English Today. Erasmus IBModel: Environmental Issues and Bilingual Education in the Digital Age | Università degli Studi di Palermo|  26th May| Maria Ellison with Dr Victor Pavon from the University of Córdoba

March 2022

  • Conference presentation |  Evaluation and assessment: our IBModel digital tests |  IBModel Erasmus KA2 Seminar Bilingual Education Today. University of Cordoba | 25th March| Maria Ellison with Dr Victor Pavon from the University of Córdoba

October 2021

  • Conference presentation | Building bridges between content and second language learning in higher education: A proposal of OERs within the framework of the EU-funded project INCOLLAB | VII Congreso internacional de enseñanza bilingüe en centros educativos (VII CIEB) | Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, España | October 17 | Margarida Morgado (with Ana Piquer Píriz)

September 2021

  • Conference presentation | Online whiteboards as a tool for collaborative teaching and learning in CLIL | INCOLLAB Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Online Conference | Czech Technical university in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic | September 10 | Margarida Morgado (with Marcelo Gaspar)

July 2021

  • Poster presentation | How to promote Transcultural Nursing competences through Multicultural learning strategies: the TC-Nurse Erasmus+ project.|  International Congress on 21st Century Literacies (ICCL2021) | School of Management and Technology, The Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal | July 15-16 | Margarida Coelho (with T., Casa Nova, A., Crean, F., Antón-Solanas, I., Vanceulebroeck, V., Kalkan, I., Kömürcü, N.)
  • Poster presentation | A model to develop Nursing students’ transcultural competence literacy – lessons from the TC-Nurse ERASMUS+ project. | International Congress on 21st Century Literacies (ICCL2021) | School of Management and Technology, The Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal | July 15-16 | Teresa Coelho & Margarida Coelho (with Antonio Casa-Nova, Fiona Crean, Isabel Antón-Solanas, Valérie Vanceulebroeck, Indrani Kalkan and Nuran Kömürcü)
  • Poster presentation | New experiences towards 21st century skills – The Kiitos Project case. | International Congress on 21st Century Literacies (ICCL2021) | School of Management and Technology, The Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal | July 15-16 | Teresa Coelho (with  Amélia Marchão, and Susana Maia Porto)
  • Conference presentation | Avaliação por Rúbricas em Unidades Didáticas que integram Conteúdo e Língua Estrangeira | 7º Congresso Nacional de Práticas pedagógicas no Ensino Superior (CnaPPES.21) | Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal | July 12-16 | Margarida Morgado (with Luis Vicente Gomez-Garcia and Elva Morales-Robles)
  • Conference pitch | A utilização de descritores integrados de língua e conteúdo em Engenharia: uma experiência utilizando a abordagem CLIL | 7º Congresso Nacional de Práticas pedagógicas no Ensino Superior (CnaPPES.21) | Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal | July 12-16 | Margarida Morgado (with Mónica Régio and Marcelo Gaspar)
  • Conference presentation | A Colaboração Interdisciplinar para Práticas de Ensino Integradas | 7º Congresso Nacional de Práticas pedagógicas no Ensino Superior (CnaPPES.21) | Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal | July 12-16 | Margarida Morgado (with Paula Pereira, Mónica Régio and Carlos Sampaio)

June – July 2021

  • Intensive Program for Nursing students | Erasmus+Project 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050800, TC-Nurse: Transcultural Nursing: A EuropeanPriority, a Professional Responsibility | Istanbul Aydin University | 28 June / 9th July | Online | Teresa Coelho

June 2021

  • Keynote presentation | Thinking like a CLIL teacher: challenges of teachers during interactive materials design | International Academic Forum on Content and Language Integrated Learning (virtual event) | National TSING HUA University, Taiwan | June 25, 2021
  • Presentation | ‘Experiências pedagógicas inovadoras e promotoras de competências para o século XXI – o caso do projeto Kiitos.’ |  IV Jornadas de Educação – Educar para o futuro | Escola Superior de Educação, Comunicação e Desporto, do Instituto Politécnico da Guarda | 15 -16 June | Teresa Coelho (with Amélia Marchão)

March 2021

  • Poster Presentation | ‘Developing Transcultural Competences in Nursing Education through CLIL – the TCNurse ERASMUS+ project.’ | Working CLIL Virtual 2021 2nd International Colloquium | 26 & 27 March 2021 | Margarida Coelho & Teresa Coelho https://3b93473e-9c03-4532-a5d7-3e40b5039ca6.filesusr.com/ugd/bc9132_ceeb2749a97046209620ef3ac38fa99d.pdf
  • Working CLIL 2021 – 2nd International Colloquium: a series of workshops and posters on Integration, Innovation and Inclusion in CLIL (online event) | 26 & 27 March 2021 | Hosted by Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, Portugal| | https://cetaps.wixsite.com/workingclil2
  • Poster presentation | A PBL Approach to CLIL in Primary Education: The CLIL FOR YOUNG EUROPEAN CITIZENS project | Working CLIL Symposium | University of Porto, Porto, Portugal | March 15-16 | Margarida Morgado (with Cecilia Calderón-Poves and Teresa Mendiola-Romero)
  • Poster presentation | Interdisciplinary Collaboration between LSP and Subject Content Teacher in 4 European Higher Education Institutions: How to make it happen | Working CLIL Symposium | University of Porto, Porto, Portugal | March 15-16 | Margarida Morgado

December 2020

  • Design and delivery of a 25-hour staff online training course on “CLIL in Higher Education” (Erasmus+Project 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050800, TC-Nurse: Transcultural Nursing: A EuropeanPriority, a Professional Responsibility) | organized by Istambul Aydin University, Turkey | 3 – 16 December | Margarida Coelho & Teresa Coelho (with Fiona Crean, San Jorge University)

November 2020

  • Conference presentation | Collaboration for the co-creations of a pilot module in Accounting Basics in a Higher Education Polytechnic | Colóquio Internacional “Inovação Pedagógica, Ensino Superior e Línguas Estrangeiras | Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Viseu, Portugal | November 26 | Margarida Morgado (with Mónica Régio and Carlos Sampaio)
  • Conference presentation | CLIL in Higher Education: teacher collaboration for digitally-enhanced student-centred learning | Colóquio Internacional “Inovação Pedagógica, Ensino Superior e Línguas Estrangeiras | Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Viseu, Portugal | November 26 | Margarida Morgado (with Mónica Régio)

September 2020

  • Intensive Program for Nursing students | Erasmus+Project 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050800, TC-Nurse: Transcultural Nursing: A EuropeanPriority, a Professional Responsibility | Istanbul Aydin University | 31 August to 4 September | Online | Teresa Coelho
  • Pre-colloquium webinar with Prof. David Marsh (U. Jyväskylä) and Prof. Ana Llinares (U. Autónoma de Madrid) | 26 September 2020 | 10am – 12am (GMT +1) |Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Porto, Portugal
  • Conference presentation | Colaboração Interdisciplinar entre professores de Língua estrangeira e de outras disciplinas em 4 Instituições de Ensino Superior Europeias | Encontro Técnico-Científico do IPCB | Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Portugal | September 30 | Margarida Morgado

February 2020

  • Poster presentation | How to promote Transcultural Nursing competences through Multicultural learning strategies: the TC-Nurse Erasmus+ project. | 1st International Conference on Management, Technology and Tourism: Social Value Creation (ICOMTT2020) | School of Management and Technology of Santarém, Santarém, Portugal | February 6 – 7 | Margarida Coelho (with T., Cordeiro, R., Casa Nova, A., Antón-Solanas, I., Sagarra-Romero, L., Vanceulebroeck, V., Dehaes, S., Kalkan and I., Kömürcü, N.) | http://icomtt2020.ipsantarem.pt/ebook-of-abstracts/
  • Workshop | Skills in lecturing in English: One-on-One instruction: CLIL and Teacher Collaboration |Universidad de Extremadura, Badajoz | 6 February 2019 | Margarida Morgado.

December 2019

  • Design and delivery of a 15 hours staff training course on “CLIL in Higher Education” (ERASMUS+ Project TC-Nurse) organized by AP University College, Department of Health and Social Sciences | 3-4 December 2019 | Antwerp, Belgium | Margarida Coelho

November 2019

  • INCOLLAB CLIL Training Event, international seminar “Digital learning and CLIL Methodologies” (Short-term joint staff training events) | Universidade do Algarve and Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco | 4 – 6 November 2019 | Faro | Margarida Morgado

October 2019

  • “ICLHE: Teacher Collaboration”. Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education | 6th ICLHE Conference | Castelló: Universitat Jaume I | 15-18 October 2019 | Margarida Morgado and Mónica Régio.
  • “Successful CLIL” | Working session of the P.I.C.N.I.C (Primary International Schools together for the exChaNge of Interactive CLIL training) | 8 October 2019 | Alcains | Margarida Morgado.
  • Conference presentation | ICLHE: Teacher Collaboration”. Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education | 6th ICLHE Conference | Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, España | October 15-18 | Margarida Morgado (with Mónica Régio and Marcelo Gaspar)
  • Keynote presentation | Successful CLIL | Working session of the P.I.C.N.I.C (Primary International Schools together for the exChaNge of Interactive CLIL training | Agrupamento de Escolas Alcains e S. Vicente da Beira, Alcains, Portugal | October 18 | Margarida Morgado

July 2019

  • Working CLIL members Maria Ellison, Margarida Morgado and Margarida Coelho welcomed new Working CLIL collaborators Amélia Marchao (IP Portalegre), Isabele Lavado (IP Castelo Branco), Mónica Regio (IP Castelo Branco), Rosana Durão (U. Algarve), Susana Esculcas (CM Ponte de Sor) e Teresa Coelho (IP Portalegre) | 19 July 2019 | Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão IP Portalegre
  • Campus America 2019 | 11-12 July 2019 | Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife | (Online)
    Panel of experts on linguistic policy on plurilingualism. Maria Ellison.

May 2019

  • The Fourth Symposium on CLIL in the Adige Valley “Implementation and Challenges” | TESOL Italy | 11 May 2019 | + info
    Plenary. CLIL: Implementation and Challenges across Educational Levels. Maria Ellison

March 2019

  • CLIL@India Conference | Developing Content and Language Integrated Learning – Resource and Training Centre for a Multilingual IndiaCLIL@India – Erasmus+ Programme | Capacity Building for Higher Education |University of Milan, Italia | 4-5 March 2019 | https://www.clilatindia.in/
  • Plenary | The CLIL for Children (C4C) Project: Designing a CLIL Community of Learning and Practice. Margarida Morgado
  • Keynote presentation | The CLIL for Children (C4C) Project: Designing a CLIL Community of Learning and Practice | Developing Content and Language Integrated Learning – Resource and Training Centre for a Multilingual India CLIL@India | University of Milan, Milano, Italy | March 6 | Margarida Morgado

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Relational Forms: Medial and Textual Transits in Ireland and Britain

Shakespeare and The English Canon: History, Criticism, Translation

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Translation, Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies
