Ana Leão: Bolsa de Investigação Doutoramento – TEALS

3 July, 2021 | Articles

Ana Leão has been teaching English at a cluster of schools in Portugal. She also has experience as a foreign language teacher to adults from different cultures and origins in Madrid and Reykjavik. She worked as a translator in Madrid and Reykjavik. She was an invited translator and interpreter at Iceland University and Islandsstofa. She holds a master’s degree in English Teaching Methodology and advanced studies in Language Didactics. She is interested in the areas of education for intercultural citizenship, democratic culture and CLIL. She is a PhD candidate and a collaborator member at TEALS – CETAPS.

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Awards, Publications and Conferences as a teacher and researcher

2020 – Participated in the Networking Europeans Citizenship Education Conference (NECE) 2020 “Reconnecting in a post pandemic world. Citizenship education for democracy and sustainability with a Pechakucha presentation entitled “Democratic Competence.”

2019 – “Estilos de aprendizaje y las tecnologías digitales: la competencia intercultural en el aula de lengua extranjera,” for the World Congress about Learning Styles in Colombia, VIII CONGRESO MUNDIAL DE ESTILOS DE APRENDIZAJE: MODELOS EDUCATIVOS, RETOS PARA LOS DOCENTES EN LA DIVERSIDAD DE CONTEXTOS DE FORMACIÓN. < >

2019 – “Interculturality in English Language Teaching,” Via Panorâmica journal.



FOREIGN LANGUAGE –  “Intercultural language  education for increased European identity and cohesion,” held at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences – New University of Lisbon – on 9th  – 10th November 2018 with a talk entitled: Interculturality in English Language Teaching – a small study with Portuguese teachers.

2018 – Holds the JRAAS SEAL OF RESEARCH EXCELLENCE since May 2018.

2018 – Participated in the 2ND JRAAS ANGLO-AMERICAN STUDIES MEETING in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities – University of Porto –  15th May with a presentation entitled Interculturality in English Language Teaching

2018 – “Interculturality in English Language Teaching – a small study with Portuguese teachers”- e-Teals:<>

2006 – Participated in a CONFERENCE AT THE CENTRE FOR RESEARCH IN COMMUNICATION, INFORMATION AND DIGITAL CULTURE, about an educational experiential activity – a blog created for a 5th grade alternative curriculum at Barbosa du Bocage cluster of schools in Setúbal <>