Creative Approaches to New Democracy through Innovative Inclusive Citizenship Education

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Creative Approaches to New Democracy through Innovative Inclusive Citizenship Education

23 July, 2020 | Articles

CANDIICE is a five-country collaboration to provide:

  • active creative, arts-based learning resources using digital technologies and associated staff training to help future generations make democracy work inclusively for their harmonious futures
  • institutional change resources
  • wider implementation guidance

During the 2019 – 2022 period of Erasmus funding, will grow into an inspiring online training and resource hub for all educators wishing to expand their uses of creativity, collaboration and learner empowerment. Continual work to rethink and improve genuine inclusion is essential as communities become more diverse – our methodologies are focused on recognising the changing attitudes and forces that deprive and exclude and will promote new uses of digital learning (often non-verbal) to ensure that marginal and disadvantaged learners play their full part. will provide flexible training modules suitable for educators in different sectors of formal and informal education. They will be designed to fit into existing training structures to maximise adaptable ease of use. Training will build capacity, confidence and inspiration to incorporate creative flair into this most important aspect of education for a future inclusive Europe. Additional materials for education leaders and policymakers will give detailed recommendations and strategic guidance at the institution, locality and national levels to provide a roadmap to update citizenship education so that it successfully reinforces inclusive, pluralist democracy in a digital age.

Educators responsible for citizenship learning carry a massive responsibility – to ensure that future generations understand and build successful coexistence in changing, diverse communities. A universal commitment to common European values is the bedrock of peaceful coexistence; until recently we assumed that established democratic processes would defend these basic tenets. The mechanisms of democracy have been severely jolted by rapid changes in communications technology, many groups in our populations have been left behind, or excluded in different ways. Citizenship education with extensive digital awareness is the space where future generations must formulate a sophisticated understanding of their part in a democratic future: whether they can be collaborative agents of change or disempowered consumers of manipulated attention and attitudes. will be a major support for educators needing to work effectively in that space.

CANDIICE will make exciting new learning materials and associated training freely available through with extensive links through other European online resources and strategic guidance. Materials will be produced through repeated processes of collection and evaluation of best practice, research-based innovation and unique collaborations between our partners: leading European agencies in digital open learning, intercultural inclusion, citizenship, creative community arts, learner Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education FormId KA204-D0C01D8B Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00 EN 4 / 147 empowerment and professional adult education and training.

Awarded funds:

  • CETAPS: 47,940 €
  • TOTAL: 281,554 €

CANDIICE partners are:

  • School Development Support Agency (Lead agency) – Leicester, United Kingdom National and international project development, networking and training for public services. International training programmes on service leadership and improvement, diversity and inclusion, intercultural education, language diversity, learner co-construction and empowerment.
  • Eurosoc#Digital – Berlin, Germany Innovators of digital, interactive, creative learning exploring European citizenship, plural democratic values, community civic engagement, youth politics and activism.
  • Forum za Slobodu Odgoja – Zagreb, Croatia Forum for Freedom in Education Teacher training institution specialising in a wide range of unique in-service programmes with extensive international links. Expertise in values, liberal education, citizenship with well-established national impact.
  • Les Tetes de l’Art – Marseille, France Progressive intercultural community-based arts and creative hub. Innovator of multi-media youth projects.
  • Nova University – Lisbon, Portugal Initial teacher education institution specialising in language and intercultural understanding