ARUS Spain

29 July, 2020 | Articles

This supplements the information on research conducted in Spain in the field of Utopian Studies provided by Elizabeth Russell in the article “Utopian Studies in Spain” (Utopian Studies, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2016).


Publications on utopian studies by the group members include:

Pere Gallardo Torrano (2001) “Reflections on Virtual Group Sex and Male. Insecurity: Robert Silverberg’s ‘In the Group’” in Foundation, Vol 30 (#83), pp16-25

Pere Gallardo-Torrano (2001) “Myth, Utopia and Fallacy in Peter Weir’s The Truman Show”, in Antonio Celada (et al, eds.) Power and Culture in America: Forms of Interaction and Renewal, (Salamanca. Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca), pp 219-226.

Pere Gallardo (2002) “Ageing Mechanisms: The Body/Machine metaphor in David Lynch’s The Straight Storyand Alfred Uhry’s Driving Miss Daisy” in Maria O’Neill (et al, eds.) The Aesthetics of Ageing. (Lleida: Universitat de Lleida),  pp71-82

Pere Gallardo (2002) “Del somni tecnocientífic al malson totalitari” in Jordi Font-Agustí (ed.) Entre la por i l’esperança (Barcelona: Proa), pp43-67.

Elizabeth Russell (2002) “Good Places Nowhere, Bad Places Now/Here” in: Maria Lluïsa Penelas & Bea Porqueres (eds), La Ciutat de les Dames. Ciutat i ciutadania. Centre de Cultura Contemporànea de Barcelona, pp.29-44.

Pere Gallardo-Torrano (2004) “The McDonaldization of the Modern Prometheus: Michael Crichton’sWestworld and Jurassic Park” in Letterature d’America, Vol XXIV (#103-104), pp137-160.

Pere Gallardo Torrano (2004) “Who wants to Live Forever? An Interview with James Halperin on Life, Death and his Novel: The First Immortal”, in Maria Vidal (et al, eds) The Polemics of Ageing(Zaragoza: Universitat de Lleida), pp73-81.

Pere Gallardo Torrano (2005) “Del retrofuturismo al neoconservadurismo: la imagen del robot femenino en la narrativa clásica de ciencia ficción” in Coral Cuadrada (ed) Dones, coneixement i societat(Tarragona: Fundació Josep Recasens/Universitat Rovira i Virgili), pp 13-33.

John Style (2006) “What happens when God describes Utopia? Neale Donald Walsch’s utopian vision.”Spaces of Utopia, e-journal, No 2,  (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade Oporto, Portugal).

Pere Gallardo-Torrano (2006) “From Mindscapes to Landscapes: J.G.Ballard’s Self-sought Utopia inConcrete Island” in Spaces of Utopia, e-journal, No. 2, (Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto, Portugal). pp15-27

John Style and Maria Bonet (2008) “Utopia and the Middle Ages in Popular Culture: a Reading of Ridley Scott’s Kingdom of Heaven,” Spaces of Utopia: An Electronic Journal, nr 5, Summer, pp. 55-93.

Pere Gallardo-Torrano (2007) “Dr. Frankenstein’s Technophobic Diet: ‘The Iron Chancellor’ by Robert Silverberg” in Jopy Nyman (et al, ed.) Mapping Appetite: Essays on Food, Fiction and Culture(Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing), pp 85-96.

Elizabeth Russell (2007) Somnis d’Utopies (Quaderns de l’Institut 9, Institut Català de les Dones, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona).

Pere Gallardo-Torrano (2008) “The Road to Perdition is Paved in Technicolour: Pleasantville, by Gary Ross”, in Elizabeth Russell (ed.) Trans/Forming Utopia (vol II) (Oxford: Peter Lang), pp 223-232.

Elizabeth Russell (2009) “No Place, No Body: Lastmanism and Lastwomanism” in: Elizabeth Russell (ed), Trans/Forming Utopia, Volume I: Looking Forward to the End (Oxford, Peter Lang) pp.127-146.

Katarzyna Baran (2012) “Recovery of the Past in Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Telling” in Sara Martín Alegre, et al, eds.). At a Time of Crisis: English and American Studies in Spain. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona/AEDEAN, pp. 53-58.

Elizabeth Russell (2012) “From Embodied Spaces to Disembodied Places: Manjula Padmanabhan’s Harvestand Escape“. In: Reading Transcultural Cities (English Studies Series / Col·lecció Estudis Anglesos, Universidad de las Islas Baleares) pp.149-171.

Pere Gallardo Torrano (2012) “ Virtual Nations as Spaces of Individual and Collective Identity”. In Sanda Berce (et al, eds). Cultural Imprints in the Age of Globalisation: Writing Region and Nation. (Cluj-Napoca:  Presa Universitară Clujeană), pp133-143.

John Style (2013) “Quantifying panic: Robert Harris’ The Fear Index”, in: Pere Gallardo and Elizabeth Russell (eds.): Yesterday’s Tomorrows: On Utopia and Dystopia (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar’s Publishing).

Katarzyna Baran (2013) “Past Effaced. Past Recovered. Dreams and Memory Control in Recent Dystopian Cinema” in University of Bucharest Review. Vol. III Cultures of Memory, Memories of Culture (No. 2); pp. 26-34.

Katarzyna Baran (2013) “The Giver: Memory Erased, Death Marginalized, Freedom Forgotten” in Pere Gallardo and Elizabeth Russell (eds.), Yesterday’s Tomorrows: On Utopia and Dystopia. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 277-92.

Elizabeth Russell (2013)  “’Haruki Murakami’s 1Q84: A Homage to George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four’? In Elizabeth Russell and Pere Gallardo (eds.): Yesterday’s Tomorrows: On Utopia and Dystopia(Newcastle: Cambridge Scholar’s Publishing) pp.307-322.

Elizabeth Russell (2014) “Escape / Landscape / Genderscape: No Futures for Women”. In Monica Germana and Aris Mousoutzanis (eds.) Apocalyptic Discourse in Contemporary Culture. Post-Millenium Perspectives on the End of the World (London: Routledge) pp.104-116.



Books edited by the group:

Elizabeth Russell (2009 ed), Trans/Forming Utopia, Volume I: Looking Forward to the End, (Oxford: Peter Lang).

Elizabeth Russell (2009 ed), Trans/Forming Utopia, Volume II: The Small Thin Story (Oxford: Peter Lang).

Pere Gallardo & Elizabeth Russell (2013 eds.): Yesterday’s Tomorrows: On Utopia and Dystopia(Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing)