Welcome to the “Shakespeare Translation Memory” database, an initiative of CETAPS researchers at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Our aim is to create a repository of Portuguese translations of Shakespeare’s works.

The database is available here: http://shakespeare.traduxio.yrnm.net/works/concordance

It has been built with the open-source, collaborative translation software Traduxio developed by Philippe Lacour. When accessing the database, visitors find a minimal, simple interface. After selecting the preferred language, visitors may search for concordances between the English original and the Portuguese translation by inputting the desired word or phrase for search within the available texts. The platform will provide a side-by-side visualisation of stanzas wherein the specified words or phrases occur, juxtaposing the English text and its Portuguese translation.  The original title, the publication date, the name of the translator, and the translation date are displayed on the right column.

The comparisons and concordances provided by the platform are valuable tools for translators but also for researchers interested in close reading and machine-close reading.

The task of translating an Early Modern English text into Modern European Portuguese challenges translators to define semantic equivalence – formal or dynamic – and to deal with disparate word order dynamics. By analysing word or phrases concordances, translators ensure the preservation of the essence of the source text in the target language.

So far, the repository includes the following translated plays.

All’s Well that Ends Well / Bem Está o que Bem Acaba

Antony and Cleopatra / António e Cleópatra

As you like it / Como Vos Aprouver


Henry V / Henrique V

King Lear / O Rei Lear

Measure for Measure / Medida por Medida

Richard III / Ricardo III

The Merchant of Venice / O Mercador de Veneza

Titus Andronicus / Tito Andrónico

Love’s Labour’s lost / Canseiras de amor em vão

Explore the Shakespeare Translation Memory database.