ARUS Portugal

29 July, 2020 | Articles

Publications by Hélio Alves

Hélio Alves was the author of many remarkable books and other printed material, those more closely linked with Utopia being ‘Utopia e Jacobinismo na Inglaterra do início do século XIX’ in Revista portuguesa de humanidades, (Vol. 6, Nº 1-2, 2002), Things as they could have been : the politically involved novel in late eighteenth-century England, (1992), The Adam of a new world : documents illustrating radical political activity in England 1789-1805, (1985),  A Revolução Francesa em Inglaterra : as ideias e os textos , I, Razão e Direitos (1789-1802), (1999) and A Revolução Francesa em Inglaterra : as ideias e os textos , II, As Carroças da Subversão (1803-1822), (2002).



Center for Comparative Studies

Research Group: “Travel and Utopia”

Group Leader: Maria de Lourdes Câncio Martins (



Publications (including organization, editing and contribution)

Utopia e Melancolia/Utopia and Melancholy, Ed. Colibri (Lisboa: 2002).

Utopia e Ciência/Utopia and Science, Ed. Húmus (Lisboa: 2009).

Novas Utopias/New Utopias, Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2015).


Several issues of the peer reviewed Journal of the Portuguese Comparative Literature Association(APLC), with international participation and diffusion, focusing on utopia and travel among other subjects:

-Dedalus – Memória e Esquecimento/Memory and Forgetfulness, nº 10, Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2005) – with a special section on utopia.

-Dedalus – A Ilha e os Mapas da Cultura/The Island and the Cultural Maps, nº 11-12,  Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2006-2008).

-Dedalus – Viagens Cruzadas/Cross Travelling, nº 14-15, Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2010-2011).


Two books of the collection “Reler/Re-reading the Contemporary Portuguese Writers”, both solely made up of the contributions by members of CEC, and focusing on utopia and travel. among other subjects:

– José Saramago – Paradigmas Ficcionais, Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2005).

– Manuel Alegre – Poética da Viagem, Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2008).


Several research articles by members of CEC published in Portuguese, French, Spanish and Brazilian peer reviewed publications or online.



Individual publications:

Lourdes Cancio Martins, Problemas e Leituras/Problems and Readings (a set of essays mainly on utopia and travel), Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2004).

“Science, Literature, Utopia: A New Vision of the Myth (Umberto Eco and The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana), in Lourdes Cancio Martins (org.), Utopia e Ciência, Ed, Húmus (Lisboa: 2009).

Célia Nunes Carvalho, “Utopia e Matemática em Jorge Luís Borges”, in Dedalus, nº13, Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2010).

Helena Silva, “Cartographie de l’origine et quête de l’utopie”, in Dedalus, nº11-12, Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2008).

Paula Alves dos Santos, “Campos e Emporio: travessias da utopia e distopia em Ourania de Le Clézio”, in Dedalus, nº14-15, Ed. Cosmos (Lisboa: 2011).

Leonor Coelho, “Novas configurações da utopia na experiência ficcional de G. Aké Loba”, in Lourdes Cancio Martins (coord.), Novas Utopias, Edições Cosmos (Lisboa: 2015).

Ana Isabel Moniz, Viagem e Utopia – os lugares da invenção em Helena Marques (already in the last stages of the printing process), Ed. Cosmos

(schedulled for 2016).




Over the past years, the research group has organized national and international meetings, both on utopia and travel, in collaboration with other institutions and Projects, such as the European Projects Acume I (Cultural Memory in European Countries: an Interdisciplinary Approach) and Acume II (Interfacing Sciences, Literature and Humanities), and also the Luso-American Foundation for Development, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, as well as Dedalus (the Review of the Portuguese Comparative Literature Association), APEF (Association Portugaise d’Études Françaises) and the Universities of Porto and Madeira.

These conferences focused, among other topics, on the following: “Utopia and Melancholy”, “Utopia and Science”, “Memory and Forgetfulness: conception, reception, interception” (with a section dedicated to utopia), “Memory and Utopia”, “The Island and the Cultural Maps”, “Cross Travelling: Mobility and Transfers”, “Issues on Utopia”. We had as invited speakers, amongs others: Lyman Tower Sargent, Vita Fortunati, Raymond Trousson, Jean-Michel Racault, Frank Lestringant, Jean Bessière, Herbert Marks, João Caraça.

We have also organized a cycle of five lectures under the topic “Circum-navigations – Travel (and Utopia) through Literature and Arts: Poetics, Cinema, Arts, Music and Literature in general” (FLUL, 2010-2011), and a Round Table untitled “Travelling through Contemporary Literature: Networks and Connections” (APLC Congress, University of Aveiro, 2012).

On the other hand, we have participated in national and international conferences    organized by other Universities, in Portugal (Coimbra, Évora, Faro, Aveiro, Porto and Lisbon) and abroad, in Malta, Spain, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, South Africa, Porto Rico (this one through video-conference), and Brazil.



Portuguese Center for Global History

Research Leader: Maria do Rosário Monteiro (




One of CHAM’s main focus is the publishing of scientific research, aiming at disclosing relevant and original academic studies. Presently, CHAM has over 80 titles, whose authorship is not exclusively of the Centre’s researchers. On the contrary, CHAM welcomes (and encourages) many contributions from outside of its community. CHAM has currently five journals of international scope – Anais de História de Além-MarCulturaBulletin of Portuguese/Japanese Studies and Res Antiquitatis -, the first three being indexed in the main databases. Our journals have editorial boards composed mostly by external and foreign specialists, they are peer-reviewed according with international standards and they publish mainly articles of external researchers. In addition, Culture, BPJS (2nd series) and Hathor (3rd series) are also available in open access. The Centre also publishes collections of studies and historical sources – Estudos & DocumentosCadernos de CulturaTeses e ArqueoArte – which aim at disclosing the results of research projects and papers presented in scientific meetings. Furthermore, CHAM also co-edits and funds publications from other scientific institutions. These publications are referred to as Extra Collections.


Institute of Philosophy

Research Group: “Philosophy of Education”

Group Leader: Adalberto Dias de Carvalho (

This research group runs a journal – Itinerários de Filosofia da Educação – although papers of different nature in the Philosophy of Education field can be published. There are several books published on the topic of utopia, especially A Contemporaneidade como Utopia (The Contemporaneity as Utopia) by Adalberto Dias de Carvalho. The travelling and destination thematic as utopia , particularly in what concerns the islands while itinerary is one of  major current and future interests of this researcher , without prejudice to further proceed his studies on the Human Rights now in their connection to the drama of  motivations and tragedies of refugees in search of the utopia of happiness, what constitutes a major challenge for the education of children and young people.



Center for Research and Intervention in Education

Research Group: “History of Education, Cultural Heritage, and Museology”

Group Leader: Margarida Felgueiras (



Cortesão, Luiza (2014, September). Transgressões em Paulo Freire [Transgressions in Paulo Freire]. Conference presented at the IX international Meeting of Paulo Freire Forum “Paths of emancipation beyond the crisis”, Turin, Italy.

Cortesão, Luiza (2015, October). Da violência simbólica do currículo único às transgressões de currículos emergentes: Contributos de Paulo Freire [From the symbolic violence of the unique curriculum to the transgressions of emerging curricula: Paulo Freire’s contributions]. Conference presented at the 3º Seminário Internacional Paulo Freire “Conhecimento, currículo e cultura na educação básica: Leitura de Paulo Freire” [3rd International Seminar on Paulo Freire “Knowledge, curriculum and culture in primary education: reading of Paulo Freire”], Conselho Nacional de Educação, Brazilian Ministry of Education, Brasilia, Brazil



Individual Researchers – Publications

Teresa Mora (researcher at Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – University of Minho)


Mora, Teresa (2013), “Classics of Sociology and Modern Social Utopias: Displacing

Knowledge Boundaries” in Jorge Bastos da Silva (ed.), The Epistemology of Utopia:

Rhetoric, Theory and Imagination, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars

Publishing, pp. 65-79. ISBN (10): 1-4438- 4625-2, ISBN (13): 978-1- 4438-4625- 7


Mora, Teresa (2011), “Le langage spatial de la raison utopique chez René Descartes

et Francis Bacon”, in Marie-Christine Pioffet (dir.), Geographiae Imaginariae,

Dresser le cadastre des mondes inconnus dans la fiction narrative de l’Ancien

Régime, Laval, Les Presses de l’Université Laval/ Éditions du CIERL, pp. 359-376.

ISBN 978-2- 7637-9061- 9 (Canada), ISBN 978-2- 923859-16- 3 (Europe)


Mora, Teresa (2009), Viagem, utopia e insularidade: narrativas fundadoras da

ciência e da sociedade moderna, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/ Fundação

para a Ciência e Tecnologia. ISBN: 978-972- 31-1272- 6


Jorge Maximino (researcher at CEIL-Centro de  Estudos sobre o Imaginário Literário, da Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

Maximino, Jorge, Philosophie et modernité dans l’oeuvre poétique d’António Ramos Rosa.

Préface de Silvina Rodrigues Lopes. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2013

Maximino, Jorge, “Experiência Estética e Pulsão Utópica em Português, Lusografias, Lisboa, Ano II, n.ºs 2/3.


Ana Paula Arnaut

Armaut, Ana Paula, “José Saramago: da realidade à utopia. O Homem como lugar onde”, in Burghard Baltrusch (ed.), “O que transformou o mundo é a necessidade e não a utopia” – Estudos sobre Utopia e Ficção em José Saramago. Berlin: Frank & Timme, 2014, pp. 31-52.

Arnaut, Ana Paula, “Nas margens do tempo e do espaço: onde pa(i)ram as utopias”, in Ferreira, Maria Ermelinda (org.), Intersecções. Ciência e tecnologia, literatura e arte. Recife: Editora Universitária UFPE, 2009, pp. 15-29.




This supplements the information on research conducted in Portugal in the field of Utopian Studies provided by Fátima Vieira in the article “Utopian Studies in Portugal” (Utopian Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2016, pp. 249-266).