Portugal Translation News – Issue 78

26 May, 2024 | Newsletter

Portuguese Initiatives


A Tradução na Prática & A Prática da Tradução. Jornadas TPPT. Tradução e Liberdade. 10-11 de maio de 2024. Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Coimbra.

Nova Translation Talks: Andreia Sarabando, “Translating Linguistic Hybridity in Fiction from Aotearoa New Zealand”, Wednesday 8th May, 16.30-18.00, FCSH, Campus Berna, Sala TA101.

Online Course: Curso online sobre ‘Práticas de Direito de Autor na Tradução Audiovisual’ lecionado por Susana Loureiro.

II Lisbon Spring School in Translation Studies. 3-8 June 2024. “The translator, the author, the editor, the client & their others”. The Spring School, co-organized by CECC (FCH-UCP) and CETAPS (NOVA FCSH), is a six-day event, comprising lectures by national and international scholars, paper sessions (PhD students and early career researchers) and poster sessions (MA students), translation workshops, and a cultural programme. Keynote speakers: Paul Bandia, Kathryn Batchelor, Karen Bennett, Klaus Kaindl, Susan Pickford, Loredana Polezzi, Manuel Portela, Michelle Woods.


International Iniciatives


Conference7-9 November 2024. Relational Forms IX on Sustainable Objects? Books, Screens and Creative Transit in the Cultures of the English Language. Porto, Portugal. Deadline for abstracts: 11 June 2024

Conference5-7 June 2024. XX Congreso Internacional “Traducción, Texto e Interferencias. Universidad de Valladolid, Soria. Deadline for abstracts: 31 May 2024

Conference21-22 November 2024. ENSEIGNER LA LANGUE À TRAVERS LA TRADUCTION Perspectives franco-italiennes comparées entre Renaissance et Ère numérique. University of Ferrara, Italy. Deadline for proposals: 31 May 2024.

Conference: 13-14 February 2025. Self-translation in children’s and young adult books, Università degli Studi di Padova (I). Deadline for abstracts: 8 June 2024.

Conference: 7-9 November 2024. APTIS 2024 – Taking Stock and Breaking the Mould, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Deadline for proposals: 14 June 2024

Conference19-21 September 2024. TRANSLATA V Interfaces in Translation. University of Innsbruck. Deadline for abstracts: 30 June 2024

Conference: 2-4 June 2025. Fifth International Conference on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition (ICTIC 5). University of Agder, Kristiansand. Deadline for abstracts: 31 August 2024

Conference: 7-9 July 2025. Transius Conference on Legal and Institutional Translation. University of Geneva.  Abstract submissions: 2 September – 2 November 2024.

ChapterCarnal Languages – Interdisciplinary Issues in Sexual Communication, Palgrave Macmillan. Deadline for proposals: 15 June 2024.

Journal: Special issue of Feminist Translation Studies on Translating with the earth: Gender, feminism and eco-translation. Guest editors: Şebnem Susam-Saraeva & Carolyn Shread. Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2024

JournalSpecial issue of MonTI 17 (2025) on Theatre translation. Performability and reception from intercultural perspectives. Guest editors: Susan Bassnett & Catalina Iliescu-Gheorghiu. Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2024

Journal: Special issue of JoSTrans on Sport(s) translation / translating sport(s) guest-edited by Christophe Declercq and Gys-Walt van Egdom. Deadline for abstracts: 08 June 2024

Journal: Special issue of A tradire on How to continue to train language professions at the time of artificial intelligence. Deadline for submissions: 15 June 2024

JournalSpecial issue of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer on Training signed language interpreters and translators. Guest editors: Maya de Wit, Sabine Fries & Irene Strasly. Deadline for abstracts: 20 June 2024

JournalSpecial issue of Bridge (Vol 5., no. 2) on Rethinking gender in translation. Special editor: Eva Spišiaková. Deadline for submissions: 12 July 2024

JournalSpecial issue of The Interpreter and Translator Trainer on Recent Advances in Media Accessibility Education. Guest editors: Sharon Black & Emília Perez. Deadline for abstracts: 15 July 2024

JournalSpecial issue of Just on Language Rights and the Teaching of Minoritised Languages. Guest editors: Anna Marzà & Joaquim Dolz. Deadline for full articles: 15 October 2024

JournalSpecial issue of Just on Linguistic vulnerabilities and translation and interpreting in transnational patient mobility. Guest editors: Sonja Pöllabauer & Katia Iacono. Deadline for abstracts: 1 November 2024

Journal: Special issue of CLTS (2026) on New Voices in Children’s Literature in Translation. Deadline for submissions: 10 January 2025



(online)  II Simposio Internacional de Traducción e Interpretación especializadas. 22-23 May 2024

VII International Congress on Science and Translation: Interdisciplinary bridges and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Università del Salento, Lecce (online & onsite). 22-24 May 2024.

International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication. University of Pisa. 30 May-1 June 2024

Autorship in a Global and Transnational Context, KU Leuven. 30-31 May 2024.

8th meeting of Greek-speaking Translation Studies Scholars, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki30 May-1 June 2024

25th Annual Conference of The European Association for Machine Translation, Sheffield, UK. 24-27 June 2024.

EAMT2024 workshop on Creative-text translation and technology. Sheffield, UK27 June 2024

Multilingual Digital Terminology Today. Design, representation formats and management systems. Granada, Spain. 27-28 June 2024.

11th EST Congress 2025. The Changing Faces of Translation and Interpreting Studies. University of Leeds. 30 June-3 July 2025.

Mapping and Translating Spaces, Cultures and Languages: Experiences Connected to Empires and Missions (1500-1700). 10-12 July 2024.

New Voices in Children’s Literature in Translation: Culture, Power and Transnational Approaches. Stockholm (Sweden). 22–23 August 2024.

The 2024 ESSE Conference, the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. 26-30 August 2024.

International Congress of Linguists: Cognitive Translation & Interpreting Studies (CTIS) streamPoznan. 8-14 September 2024

Ethics and Self-Care in Translation and Other Professions: What can we learn from each other? Newcastle University, UK. 12-14 September 2024.

History – Translation – Politics. University of Graz. 11-14 September 2024.

SYNCRONIZING HISTORY, The Transplantation of European Ideas in the Americas. Palermo, Italy. 18-21 September 2024.

Translation in Transition, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia. 23-25 September 2024.

4th Annual Conference Europe in Discourse. Future Trajectories for Europe. Athens. 26-28 September 2024.

Legal Translation & Interpreting on the move. University of Trieste. 2-4 October 2024.

Retranslation in Context VI, Ege University, Izmir, Türkiye. 31 October-01 November 2024.

T-RADEX Translation and cross-cultural communication: Radical and extremist narratives. University of Cyprus, Nicosia. 31 October-2 November 2024.

17th Complutense Symposium on Translation International Conference: The Interwar Period (1918-1939). University Institute of Modern Languages and Translators UCM 13 – 15 November 2024

Book translation in multilingual states (1945-2024), Brussels, Royal Library of Belgium. 28-29 November 2024.

Translation, Transposition, and Travel in the Global Nineteenth Century, Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies World Congress. Global Studies Center, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait. 16-19 January 2025.




Media and Intercultural Communication: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Vol. 2(1), 2024

Parallèles special issue on Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility in Language Education, Vol. 36(1), 2024

Cadernos de Tradução, special issue on Circum-Navegações Transtextuais e Culturais, Vol.   44(1), 2024

À Tradire, special issue on La didactique de l’interprétation : quels développements ?, Vol. 2, 2023



Campbell and R. Vidal, eds. (2024) The Experience of Translation: Materiality and Play in Experiential Translation. New York: Routledge

De Bonis, G. (2024). Multilingual Films: A Portrayal of Language Contact on Screen. Paolo Loffredo.

Musinova, T., Monti, E., Della Casa, M. (eds). 2024. Traduire la littérature grand public et la vulgarisation / Translating Popular Fiction and Science. Editions Orizons.

Penet, J. C. (2024). Working as a Professional Translator. Routledge.