English Travellers in Portugal

English Travellers in Portugal

Anglophone Travellers in Portugal, A Storytelling Approach to Travel Writing

E-Dictionary of Portuguese Travel Writing

O E-Dicionário de Escrita de Viagens Portuguesa (EDEVP) é publicado, sob coordenação de Rogério Miguel Puga, pelo CETAPS (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal) pelo Institute of Modern Languages Research (Universidade de Londres; Reino Unido) e pelo Laboratório de Interlocuções com a Ásia [LIA; Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brasil] e é de acesso livre. Os utilizadores deverão consultar os verbetes a partir da lista de entradas. O EDEVP não segue o Novo Acordo Ortográfico, redigindo cada colaborador os seus verbetes na ortografia que adopta.

Bibliografia Britânica em Português

A BBP Base é um projecto levado a cabo pela Investigadora Auxiliar da FCSH da UNL Isabel Maria da Cruz Lousada.
Advanced Research in Utopian Studies

Advanced Research in Utopian Studies

ARUS Network The ARUS network brings together, from a variety of countries, scholars doing Utopian Studies. The network is organized per country and aims at facilitating the identification of ...

Lyman Tower Sargent Bibliography

With over 19,000 entries compiled by Lyman Tower Sargent, this already is the major resource of critical bibliography on utopia, but we expect it to grow with your contribution. Our aim is to have a complete list of critical sources in any language, add digital objects such as abstracts and full texts, and make the database searchable by subject.
E-Dictionary of Literary Terms

E-Dictionary of Literary Terms

O projecto de um E-Dicionário de Termos Literários, em língua portuguesa, iniciado há já 10 anos, pretende recolher o maior número possível de termos técnicos em uso nas teorias da literatura, na crítica literária, nos textos académicos, nas bibliografias específicas dos estudos literários e culturais.
Primary English Education in Portugal

Primary English Education in Portugal

Primary English Education in Portugal (PEEP) is an inter-institutional network which has been set up to promote the engagement in and dissemination of investigation in the field of primary English education in Portugal.
Advanced Research Seminar: Languages in Education

Advanced Research Seminar: Languages in Education

The TEALS Advanced Research Seminars takes place online two times a year, in February and July, with the objective of providing avenues of interaction between established and early career researchers to address areas of research associated with languages in education.
Junior Researchers in Anglo-American Studies

Junior Researchers in Anglo-American Studies

The Junior Researchers in Anglo-American Studies Platform (JRAAS) was created to keep students informed about and involved in the events and activities of the Centre for English.
Cultures of the Future

Cultures of the Future



CETAPS Talks, a series of biannual discussions hosted by CETAPS in Lisbon. We are thrilled to offer a unique opportunity for you to engage with leading experts in the fields of English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies and related subjects. Each session will feature a distinguished speaker, who will share his or her knowledge and perspectives, followed by an interactive debate allowing attendees to exchange ideas and ask questions.
Alimentopia | Utopian Foodways

Alimentopia | Utopian Foodways

Alimentopia is a research project investigating the changing dynamics of food production and consumption. The project was hosted by ILCML and CETAPS and funded by FCT/COMPETE. With over 60 entries, this database brings together studies of utopian literary works, in which foodways play a meaningful role.